Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Cronies, puppets and dictators of the western empire
For long time, the empire has relied ion it's puppets, cronies and dictators to control and dominate the Arab world , from the kingdom of horrors like the Saudi Arabia to Jordanian puppet king who made a career out of controlling and guarding the eastern frontiers of occupied Palestine, off course the newly new puppet and little dictator in Occupied Iraq is doing all the betting for the American Empire and to the south of occupied Iraq is another "protectorate", yes the Sultan of the little real state that is called Kuwait is another puppet/crony that has sold his sole to the empire and the list goes on and on to the puppet/cronies/dictators..
Thursday, September 22, 2011
ليلى شرف تصعّد في خطابها وتقول للبخيت: 'ساقاك من قصب وقلبك من عجين' الاردن: سخرية إلكترونية سريعة ونكات سياسية بعد اتهام البخيت لشرف بانه ليبرالي
عمان- 'القدس العربي' من بسام البدارين: دخلت النكتة السياسية بقوة مجددا في عمق الحياة العامة في الأردن بعد ساعات فقط من التهمة التي وجهها رئيس الوزراء معروف البخيت لمحافظ البنك المركزي المقال الشريف فارس شرف وهي أنه 'ليبرالي ومتفرد في القرار'.
وما أن انتهى البخيت من توضيحاته لأسباب الإطاحة بشرف من الموقع الرسمي الأهم في مناصب الدولة حتى امتلأت صفحات الفيسبوك بالتعليقات الساخرة والمعلقة على التهمة الجديدة.
وفي السياق كتب الصحافي نضال منصور على صفحته في فيسبوك تعليقا بعنوان 'تهمة مضحكة وجهها البخيت لفارس وهي أنه ليبرالي' فيما كتب الصحافي الأردني المغترب في الإمارات باسل رفايعة قائلا 'أخرج يا ليبرالي'.
وكان البخيت وتحت إلحاح الدعوة للشفافية وتوضيح قصة إقالة محافظ البنك المركزي قد جمع الصحافيين وقال ان الأخير خرج من موقعه لإنه يؤمن بالإقتصاد الحر والمنهج الليبرالي المتفرد بالقرار ولانه لا يمانع برفع الأسعار ولا يهتم بالإقتصاد الإجتماعي.
وأثارت شروحات البخيت موجة عالية من السخط والسخرية حتى بين المثقفين والسياسيين، خصوصا وان عائلة شرف العريقة التي تعتبر من العائلات ذات الصلة بالقرابة والدم من العائلة المالكة إتهمت البخيت بالإساءة إليها عندما وصف المحافظ المقال بأنه 'شاب معتد بعائلته وبوضعه الإجتماعي'.
وتلقائيا أصبح رد فعل العائلة أكثر قسوة عندما أرسلت والدة المحافظ المقال وهي وزيرة الإعلام السابقة ليلى شرف رسالة للبخيت قالت له فيها 'ساقاك من قصب وقلبك من عجين' مبلغة الرأي العام بانتظار بيان تفصيلي لإبنها المحافظ المقال، فيما قال الأخير على زاويته في تويتر: الآن تحدث البخيت وجاء دوري للكلام.
ويبدو أن ما سارعت الصحافة المحلية لتسميته بـ'المركزي غيت' سيصبح عنوانـــــا للإثارة السياسية والإعلامية والصراع بين مراكز القوى على مستوى الدولة هذه المرة خصوصا وان ليلى شرف ربطت استقالتها صباح أمس من عضوية مجلس الأعيان بقولها: لا أريد المشاركة في دولة الفساد.
والتصريح الأخير من أخطر التصريحات التي وردت على لسان الركن النسائي الأبرز في مؤسسة الدولة الأردنية وزوجة رئيس الوزراء الأردني الراحل المحبوب جماهيريا عبد الحميد شرف.
لكن يلاحظ ان ليلى شرف وبعد إجبار إبنها على الاستقالة بالقوة الأمنية أثر اقتحام مكتبه، كما قال لـ'القدس العربي' المعارض ليث الشبيلات ثم بعد ما ترى أنه إساءة لتراث عائلتها تتجه للتصعيد لإنها قالت في بيانها الصحافي انها تستقيل من مجلس الأعيان ومن 'مدرستي' ومفردة 'مدرستي' هي المؤشر على واحد من أضخم المشاريع التنموية التعليمية التي تشرف عليها الملكة رانيا العبدالله شخصيا.
والمعنى أن شرف التي قالت انها ستخدم البلاد من مساحات المجتمع المدني تتخلى عن ارتباطاتها وارتباطات عائلتها التاريخية بالقصر الملكي وليس بالمناصب الرسمية فقط، فيما تتهيأ للانتقال إلى صفوف المناكفة والإعتراض والمعارضة، فيما يبدو وهي تشير للعمل مع المجتمع المدني.
وما أن انتهى البخيت من توضيحاته لأسباب الإطاحة بشرف من الموقع الرسمي الأهم في مناصب الدولة حتى امتلأت صفحات الفيسبوك بالتعليقات الساخرة والمعلقة على التهمة الجديدة.
وفي السياق كتب الصحافي نضال منصور على صفحته في فيسبوك تعليقا بعنوان 'تهمة مضحكة وجهها البخيت لفارس وهي أنه ليبرالي' فيما كتب الصحافي الأردني المغترب في الإمارات باسل رفايعة قائلا 'أخرج يا ليبرالي'.
وكان البخيت وتحت إلحاح الدعوة للشفافية وتوضيح قصة إقالة محافظ البنك المركزي قد جمع الصحافيين وقال ان الأخير خرج من موقعه لإنه يؤمن بالإقتصاد الحر والمنهج الليبرالي المتفرد بالقرار ولانه لا يمانع برفع الأسعار ولا يهتم بالإقتصاد الإجتماعي.
وأثارت شروحات البخيت موجة عالية من السخط والسخرية حتى بين المثقفين والسياسيين، خصوصا وان عائلة شرف العريقة التي تعتبر من العائلات ذات الصلة بالقرابة والدم من العائلة المالكة إتهمت البخيت بالإساءة إليها عندما وصف المحافظ المقال بأنه 'شاب معتد بعائلته وبوضعه الإجتماعي'.
وتلقائيا أصبح رد فعل العائلة أكثر قسوة عندما أرسلت والدة المحافظ المقال وهي وزيرة الإعلام السابقة ليلى شرف رسالة للبخيت قالت له فيها 'ساقاك من قصب وقلبك من عجين' مبلغة الرأي العام بانتظار بيان تفصيلي لإبنها المحافظ المقال، فيما قال الأخير على زاويته في تويتر: الآن تحدث البخيت وجاء دوري للكلام.
ويبدو أن ما سارعت الصحافة المحلية لتسميته بـ'المركزي غيت' سيصبح عنوانـــــا للإثارة السياسية والإعلامية والصراع بين مراكز القوى على مستوى الدولة هذه المرة خصوصا وان ليلى شرف ربطت استقالتها صباح أمس من عضوية مجلس الأعيان بقولها: لا أريد المشاركة في دولة الفساد.
والتصريح الأخير من أخطر التصريحات التي وردت على لسان الركن النسائي الأبرز في مؤسسة الدولة الأردنية وزوجة رئيس الوزراء الأردني الراحل المحبوب جماهيريا عبد الحميد شرف.
لكن يلاحظ ان ليلى شرف وبعد إجبار إبنها على الاستقالة بالقوة الأمنية أثر اقتحام مكتبه، كما قال لـ'القدس العربي' المعارض ليث الشبيلات ثم بعد ما ترى أنه إساءة لتراث عائلتها تتجه للتصعيد لإنها قالت في بيانها الصحافي انها تستقيل من مجلس الأعيان ومن 'مدرستي' ومفردة 'مدرستي' هي المؤشر على واحد من أضخم المشاريع التنموية التعليمية التي تشرف عليها الملكة رانيا العبدالله شخصيا.
والمعنى أن شرف التي قالت انها ستخدم البلاد من مساحات المجتمع المدني تتخلى عن ارتباطاتها وارتباطات عائلتها التاريخية بالقصر الملكي وليس بالمناصب الرسمية فقط، فيما تتهيأ للانتقال إلى صفوف المناكفة والإعتراض والمعارضة، فيما يبدو وهي تشير للعمل مع المجتمع المدني.
Monday, April 11, 2011
التدخل الغربي في ليبيا ، المعطيات والتداعيات
By John Pilger. " The Euro-American attack on Libya has nothing to do with protecting anyone; only the terminally naive believe such nonsense. It is the West’s response to popular uprisings in strategic, resource-rich regions of the world and the beginning of a war of attrition against the new imperial rival, China.
President Barack Obama’s historical distinction is now guaranteed. He is America’s first black president to invade Africa. His assault on Libya is run by the US Africa Command, which was set up in 2007 to secure the continent’s lucrative natural resources from Africa’s impoverished people and the rapidly spreading commercial influence of China. Libya, along with Angola and Nigeria, is China’s principal source of oil. As American, British and French planes currently incinerate both “bad” and “good” Libyans, the evacuation of 30,000 Chinese workers is under way, perhaps permanently. Statements by western officials and media that a “deranged and criminal Colonel Gaddafi” is planning “genocide” against his own people still await evidence. This is reminiscent of fraudulent claims that required “humanitarian intervention” in Kosovo, the final dismemberment of Yugoslavia and the establishment of the biggest US military base in Europe.
The detail is also familiar. The Libyan “pro-democracy rebels” are reportedly commanded by Colonel Khalifa Haftar who, according to a study by the US Jamestown Foundation, set up the Libyan National Army in 1988 “with strong backing from the Central Intelligence Agency”. For the past 20 years, Colonel Haftar has been living not far from Langley, Virginia, home of the CIA, which also provides him with a training camp. The Mujihadeen, which produced al-Qaida, and the Iraqi National Congress, which scripted the Bush/Blair lies about Iraq, were sponsored in the same time-honoured way, in leafy Langley.
Libya’s other “rebel” leaders include Mustafa Abdul Jalil, Gaddafi’s justice minister until February, and General Abdel-Fattah Younes, who ran Gaddafi’s interior ministry: both with formidable reputations for savagely putting down dissent. There is a civil and tribal war in Libya, which includes popular outrage against Gaddafi’s human rights record. However, it is Libya’s independence, not the nature of its regime, that is intolerable to the west in a region of vassals; and this hostility has barely changed in the 42 years since Gaddafi overthrew the feudal king Idris, one the more odious tyrants backed by the west. With his Bedouin hyperbole and bizarre ways, Gaddafi has long made an ideal “mad dog” (Daily Mirror), now requiring heroic US, French and British pilots to bomb urban areas in Tripoli, including a maternity hospital and a cardiac centre. The last US bombing in 1986 managed to kill his adopted daughter.
What the US, British and French hope to achieve is the opposite of a people’s liberation. In undermining efforts Libya’s genuine democrats and nationalists to free their country from both a dictator and those corrupted by foreign demands, the sound and fury from Washington, London and Paris has succeeded in dimming the memory of January’s days of hope in Tunis and Cairo and distracted many, who had taken heart, from the task of ensuring that their gains are not stolen quietly. On 23 March, the US-backed Egyptian military issued a decree barring all strikes and protests. This was barely reported in the west. With Gaddafi now the accredited demon, Israel, the real canker, can continue its wholesale land theft and expulsions. Facebook has come under Zionist pressure to remove a page calling for a full scale Palestinian uprising - a “Third Intifada” - on 15 May.
None of this should surprise. History suggests nothing less than the kind of machination revealed by two senior diplomats at the United Nations, who spoke to the Asia Times. Demanding to know why the UN never ordered a fact-finding mission to Libya instead of an attack, they were told that a deal had been done between the White House and Saudi Arabia. A US “coalition” would “take out” the recalcitrant Gaddafi if the Saudis put down the popular uprising in Bahrain. The latter has been accomplished, and the bloodied King of Bahrain will be a guest at the Royal Wedding in London.
The embodiment of this reaction is David Cameron, whose only real job has been as PR man to the television industry’s asset stripper, Michael Green. Cameron was in the Gulf selling arms to the British-invented tyrannies when people rose up against Yemen’s Abdullah Saleh; on 18 March, Saleh’s regime murdered 52 demonstrators. Cameron said nothing of value. Yemen is “one of ours”, as the British Foreign Office likes to say. In February, Cameron revealed himself in an attack on what he called “state multi-culturalism” - the code for Muslims. He said, “We need a lot less of the past tolerance of recent years.” He was applauded by Marine Le Pen, leader of France’s fascist National Front. “It is exactly this kind of statement that has barred us from public life for 30 years,” she told the Financial Times. “I can only congratulate him.”
At its most rapacious, the British empire produced David Camerons in job lots. Unlike many of the Victorian “civilisers”, today’s sedentary Westminster warriors - throw in William Hague, Liam Fox and the treacherous Nick Clegg - have never been touched by the suffering and bloodshed which, at remove in culture and distance, are the consequences of their utterances and actions. With their faintly trivial, always contemptuous air, they are cowards abroad, as they are at home. War and racism and the destruction of Britain’s hard-won social democracy are their gift. Remember that when you next take to the streets in your hundreds of thousands, as you must."
President Barack Obama’s historical distinction is now guaranteed. He is America’s first black president to invade Africa. His assault on Libya is run by the US Africa Command, which was set up in 2007 to secure the continent’s lucrative natural resources from Africa’s impoverished people and the rapidly spreading commercial influence of China. Libya, along with Angola and Nigeria, is China’s principal source of oil. As American, British and French planes currently incinerate both “bad” and “good” Libyans, the evacuation of 30,000 Chinese workers is under way, perhaps permanently. Statements by western officials and media that a “deranged and criminal Colonel Gaddafi” is planning “genocide” against his own people still await evidence. This is reminiscent of fraudulent claims that required “humanitarian intervention” in Kosovo, the final dismemberment of Yugoslavia and the establishment of the biggest US military base in Europe.
The detail is also familiar. The Libyan “pro-democracy rebels” are reportedly commanded by Colonel Khalifa Haftar who, according to a study by the US Jamestown Foundation, set up the Libyan National Army in 1988 “with strong backing from the Central Intelligence Agency”. For the past 20 years, Colonel Haftar has been living not far from Langley, Virginia, home of the CIA, which also provides him with a training camp. The Mujihadeen, which produced al-Qaida, and the Iraqi National Congress, which scripted the Bush/Blair lies about Iraq, were sponsored in the same time-honoured way, in leafy Langley.
Libya’s other “rebel” leaders include Mustafa Abdul Jalil, Gaddafi’s justice minister until February, and General Abdel-Fattah Younes, who ran Gaddafi’s interior ministry: both with formidable reputations for savagely putting down dissent. There is a civil and tribal war in Libya, which includes popular outrage against Gaddafi’s human rights record. However, it is Libya’s independence, not the nature of its regime, that is intolerable to the west in a region of vassals; and this hostility has barely changed in the 42 years since Gaddafi overthrew the feudal king Idris, one the more odious tyrants backed by the west. With his Bedouin hyperbole and bizarre ways, Gaddafi has long made an ideal “mad dog” (Daily Mirror), now requiring heroic US, French and British pilots to bomb urban areas in Tripoli, including a maternity hospital and a cardiac centre. The last US bombing in 1986 managed to kill his adopted daughter.
What the US, British and French hope to achieve is the opposite of a people’s liberation. In undermining efforts Libya’s genuine democrats and nationalists to free their country from both a dictator and those corrupted by foreign demands, the sound and fury from Washington, London and Paris has succeeded in dimming the memory of January’s days of hope in Tunis and Cairo and distracted many, who had taken heart, from the task of ensuring that their gains are not stolen quietly. On 23 March, the US-backed Egyptian military issued a decree barring all strikes and protests. This was barely reported in the west. With Gaddafi now the accredited demon, Israel, the real canker, can continue its wholesale land theft and expulsions. Facebook has come under Zionist pressure to remove a page calling for a full scale Palestinian uprising - a “Third Intifada” - on 15 May.
None of this should surprise. History suggests nothing less than the kind of machination revealed by two senior diplomats at the United Nations, who spoke to the Asia Times. Demanding to know why the UN never ordered a fact-finding mission to Libya instead of an attack, they were told that a deal had been done between the White House and Saudi Arabia. A US “coalition” would “take out” the recalcitrant Gaddafi if the Saudis put down the popular uprising in Bahrain. The latter has been accomplished, and the bloodied King of Bahrain will be a guest at the Royal Wedding in London.
The embodiment of this reaction is David Cameron, whose only real job has been as PR man to the television industry’s asset stripper, Michael Green. Cameron was in the Gulf selling arms to the British-invented tyrannies when people rose up against Yemen’s Abdullah Saleh; on 18 March, Saleh’s regime murdered 52 demonstrators. Cameron said nothing of value. Yemen is “one of ours”, as the British Foreign Office likes to say. In February, Cameron revealed himself in an attack on what he called “state multi-culturalism” - the code for Muslims. He said, “We need a lot less of the past tolerance of recent years.” He was applauded by Marine Le Pen, leader of France’s fascist National Front. “It is exactly this kind of statement that has barred us from public life for 30 years,” she told the Financial Times. “I can only congratulate him.”
At its most rapacious, the British empire produced David Camerons in job lots. Unlike many of the Victorian “civilisers”, today’s sedentary Westminster warriors - throw in William Hague, Liam Fox and the treacherous Nick Clegg - have never been touched by the suffering and bloodshed which, at remove in culture and distance, are the consequences of their utterances and actions. With their faintly trivial, always contemptuous air, they are cowards abroad, as they are at home. War and racism and the destruction of Britain’s hard-won social democracy are their gift. Remember that when you next take to the streets in your hundreds of thousands, as you must."
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
ثورة الفقراء سوف تسحق الانظمة العربية العميلة وتجرف من يقف أمامها
لن نساوم علي حقوقنا مهما طال الزمن ولي مش عاجبوا فليذهب الى الجحيم أني من منبري الصغير أقول لكم يا حرمية لقد تحرك دولاب الثورة وسوف تجرفكم شئتُم أم أبيتُم
Sunday, January 16, 2011
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